Workshops 2010
5Rhythm™ dancework,
creative writing and ritual journey for women.
An opportunity to express
and explore our aliveness, over time, as we anticipate, pass through or look
back on the changes of mid-life.
In Autumn 2009, 19 women
started on an amazingly powerful creative journey exploring their experience
of mid-life and aging through dance, artwork, writing, stitching sacred garments,
maskmaking and ritual theatre. We also had a ceremonial sweat lodge. Some of
the women are still meeting to write and dance together.
I am thrilled to be offering a new
version of Changing Woman starting at Samhain 2010, and ending at Imbolc 2011.
The weekend dates are:
October 30/31, November 27/28, 2010
and February 5/6 2011.
Weekends at the beautiful
Medway Centre, Bakewell.
The financial contribution will be
£300, or £270 if paid in full by September 21st. Payment can be
made in installments by arrangement.
There will also be the opportunity
to join women from the first goup on a creative holiday (holy days) in Crete
in May 2011.
Winter Solstice dance
December 19th 2010
The Medway Centre, Bakewell.
Sunday August 1st 2010
summer with this irresistible day of African music and dance!
A day workshop in fabulous 5 Rhythms™
dance to African music (12 – 5pm)
the Medway Centre, Bakewell.
A workshop
in Gabrielle Roth’s exhilarating 5Rhythms™ dance to a wide range
of African music. led by Cora Greenhill
weekend of
Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythmstm ‘wave’ dancing and wordsmithing
at Imbolc,
the festival of Bride, Celtic Goddess of poetry and smithcraft
at the Medway Centre, Bakewell.
December 20th 2009
the darkest point of the year, a day of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythmstm ‘wave’
dancing to give thanks, celebrate and let go of the passing year, followed by
a wave in stillness to sacred music from different spiritual traditions. In
these chaotic times, we can allow ourselves to pause and discover the simple,
transformative power of moving the breathing body to ‘still the mind and
free the spirit’.
November 7/8 2009 and March 13/14 2010
5Rhythm™ dancework,
creative writing and ritual journey for women.
An opportunity to express
and explore our aliveness, over time, as we anticipate, pass through or look
back on the changes of mid-life.
at the Medway Centre, Bakewell.
In between the two
weekends, one at the beginning of winter, the other spring, there will be monthly
evenings (three) for writing, reading and sharing.
Crete, September 18-20 2009
Dance by the ocean
to re-connect with our natural rhythms, with the beat of our hearts, with our
feet on the ground, with our shadows and light, with each other and our wounded
earth. Dance in a land sacred to the dance of the Goddess for thousands of years.
Be still in a landscape of mountains and caves where you can feel Her awesome
mystery, even as modernity scars Her body..
Dance to free our bodies, heart and spirits, to help empower ourselves as
women to make the differences we long for.
August 9th 2009
A day to lose ourselves
in dancing to traditional and fusion music from around the world: from African
to Asian, Greek to Nordic.
the Medway Centre, Bakewell.
‘We don’t
have a word for music
in our language.
Music is the same as life.’
Frances Bebey quoted in Breathdance by Cora Greenhill
Jan31st/Feb 1st 2009
A weekend of 5Rhythms™
dance, writing and shape-making, with a focus on supporting our own and each
other’s creativity.
the Medway Centre, Bakewell.
Workshops 2008
World of Rhythms 5 Rhythms™
dance to music from around the world. 6
Wednesday evenings, January 30th to March 5th 2008 - Grindleford
to a World Beat Sunday 10th February 2008
- Grindleford
Pavilion. A day
to ‘lose ourselves’ in dancing to traditional and fusion music with
shamanic and spiritual roots from around the world
a way home Inscape Writing Holiday in Crete
-May 20-25th 2008. Writing
a way home will be a chance to share a creative journey with a small group of
women in one of the places where I live and write and feel at home.
Workshops 2007
Shining of the Wheel Dance
and Ceremony for Winter Solstice
lSunday December 23rd - Outdoors and
at Grindleford Pavilion
of the MOTHER - An Alternative Mothering Sunday
- 18th March - Grindleford