The Shining of the Wheel

Dance and Ceremony for Winter Solstice
with Cora Greenhill

Sunday December 23rd

Outdoors and at Grindleford Pavilion
Dawn till dusk

In line with our longstanding tradition, we will meet before sunrise to walk up Padley Gorge to greet the new sun from the standing stones on Lawrencefield.

Breakfast will be provided at The Pavilion, followed by
5 Rhythm dancing with the energy of the new sun and a ritual that opens a space to declare your dream for the
coming year.

Exact times, meeting place and preparation on booking.
To book send a cheque for £35 made out to Cora Greenhill to:

Cora Greenhill, 9, The Windses, Grindleford, Hope Valley, S32 2HY.
Tel. 01433 630759

email me at :

(For those women into sweating more and empowering themselves still further, there is a women’s full moon sweatlodge ceremony that night at Unstone Grange! For details tel Elaine on 01433 651769)

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