A World of Rhythms

5 Rhythms dance to music from around the world.

with Cora Greenhill

Loose yourself by responding deeply and freely in 5 Rhythms dance, exploring energetically and emotionally different worlds of music. The music on each evening will take us on a journey either into a specific area of the world eg West Africa, or a genre eg classical or jazz. This will be an exciting way of discovering our affinities and extending our awareness of inspirational music.

(I haven’t worked out the sequence yet, so contact me nearer the time if it’s important for you to know!)

6 Wednesday evenings, January 30th to March 5th 2008

Dancing to a World Beat Sunday 10th February

– similar but different to the very popular one held in Bakewell last year (description).


All sessions in Grindleford Pavilion. Evenings 7.30 to 9.45pm.
and Sunday February 10th 11am to 5pm
All sessions start promptly. You’re welcome to come 15mins early if you wish to talk before dancing!

You do not need to pay for all sessions, but to encourage you to do so there is a discount of £10 for the evenings paid in advance, or £15 for the whole lot.
That’s 6 evenings for £50 (paid in advance) or £10 each.
£30 for the Sunday, or take a further discount by paying £75 for all. Cheques for advance payment should reach me by January 25th latest.

Cora Greenhill

email me at :

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