at the Medway Centre, Bakewell.
this spiralling together,
the white heat, the smelt gold,
the forge of their frenzied dance,
to fizz into life…’
A weekend of 5Rhythms™ dance, writing and shape-making, with a focus on supporting our own and each other’s creativity.
At Imbolc, life begins to stir in the cold earth. We honour Bride, Goddess of smithcraft and poetry. In the heat of the dance we can become molten, ready to forge new shapes, ways of being, paths and intentions.
Cost: £80 (some small bursaries available)
Book: send cheque for 50% asap (Jan 17 latest)
to Cora Greenhill, 9 The Windses, Grindleford,
Hope Valley, S32 2HY.