Imbolc Dance Forge

Jan30th/31st 2010

A weekend of
Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythmstm ‘wave’ dancing and wordsmithing at Imbolc,
the festival of Bride, Celtic Goddess of poetry and smithcraft

at the Medway Centre, Bakewell.

‘It required
this spiralling together,
the white heat, the smelt gold,
the forge of their frenzied dance,
to fizz into life…’

Sat/Sun 30/31 January 2010

For anyone who loves music and dancing and writing, for dancers who want to write and writers who long to dance … for anyone who wants to explore and expand creative self-expression, support and be supported, and energise themselves as we move through this dark point of the year… come and join us!

As life begins to stir in the cold earth, Imbolc is a time to embolden ourselves by conceiving our intentions for the growth ahead.

From the heat of the dance, words flow molten in poetry; we write in rhythm, forge words that come from the core.

Cora Greenhill has been an accredited teacher of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythmstm since 1994, has a background in teaching and psychotherapy, and is a published poet


Cost: £80 (some small bursaries available)
Book: send cheque for 50% (Jan 15 latest)
to Cora Greenhill, 9 The Windses, Grindleford,
Hope Valley, S32 2HY.

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