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Holidays in Crete

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Inscape holidays

group holidays in Crete 
with dance, writing, ritual, pilgrimage. 
Led by Cora Greenhill

 September 2002 Holidays

Rhythms and the Labyrinth

Holiday in SW Crete for all 5Rhythmsô dancers
with Cora Greenhill and friends


A unique holiday to nurture and stretch body, mind and soul

September 10-17th 2002

Spend a week in ravishing mountain landscape and on quiet beaches, tanning with the sultanas in September sun. 

Eat grapes from the vine above our heads, figs from the trees, great home-cooked local food. Enjoy the seclusion of the centre set in olive groves and orange trees under the mountains and against  the spectacular views down the gorge to the Libyan sea. 

Swim in the Libyan sea every afternoon, or stay in the mountains. 

swimming in cavesswimming in caves near Azogires 

Dream under a canopy of stars, breathe and stretch gently in an (optional!) early morning yoga session.

And dance!

On the new dance floor in the barn, in the olive groves, on the beach!

We will dance on the earth where priestesses once danced their ecstatic connection to all life.

We will create and and walk a Cretan labyrinth in the land of its origins. There will be time for writing and sharing. 

And we will exlore the symbols and myths of ancient Crete: the labyrinth as the home of the labrys (or double axe, symbol of the Goddess), Ariadne, the lady of the labyrinth, and her silver thread, the sacred bull that was made a monster in the later myth. 

We will enter into the dark in a deep sacred cave, and visit the ruins of a healing temple.

Cora Greenhill has been bringing groups to Crete for 6 years, and teaching the 5Rhythmsô for 10. She is a poet, writer and teacher, who has been in love with Crete and the goddess for many years. 

She is supported at Azogires by her partner and fellow dancer Ian Tranter, and by Marina Mouyiassis, a Cypriot friend, who has lived in Crete and who is a practitioner at The LivingTao Centre, Larnaca.

The centre at Azogires is very simple: a converted farmhouse providing a dance space, kitchen and a patio where we eat, and a separate building with 8 twin ensuite bedrooms with balconies and superb views. A short and spectacular drive away is the sea and beautiful beaches around the resort of Paleochora. There are also two friendly tavernas in the village for drinks and simple meals.

More pictures of Azogires

A labyrinth that we made and danced at the Mount Karfi sanctuary

Practicals for Rhythms and the Labyrinth

Cost: £335 (or £315 to those paying in full by May 1st)
Includes 7 nights B&B at Azogires in large, twin-bedded rooms (ensuite with balconies)*, 5 main (mainly vegetarian) meals. Shared car hire from Hania airport on Tuesday.
Arrival for dinner on Tuesday evening, leave after breakfast on Tuesday 17th.
The course starts on Wednesday at 4pm and finishes at lunchtime on Monday, so you have time to relax, swim, shop and hang out before and after!
Not included: flights, travel insurance, optional ferry trip, remaining meals.
*single rooms unlikely to be available at Azogires. However, if this is important to you, please talk to us.

Book by sending a deposit of £150. Cheques payable to Inscape Holidays, cc details on back. The balance is payable by July 1oth.
Deposits returnable less £50 until July 10th . No refunds after that date: please take out adequate insurance in case you need to cancel.
Please book early to avoid disppointment. Absolute max no. in group: 16
Please advise us of full flight details as soon as you have booked your flight.
We can help you with flight information if you wish.

Printable Booking Form for Rhythms and the Labyrinth
September 10-17th 2002



Date of booking
Deposit (£150)     full amount (£335 or £315) enclosed   (please circle)
(non-returnable after July 10thunless there is a waiting list)
Able/willing to drive in Crete?      Yes  /    No
Dietary requests?
Other requests?
Are you coming with a partner?           Room mate?
I understand I am responsible for my own insurance and for my own wellbeing and safety.       Signed

Inscape Holidays
 9 The Windses, Grindleford, Hope Valley.  S32 2HY
Tel/fax 44 (0)1433 630759 
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Following the threadSnake priestess from Knossos

Holiday for women making pilgrimage to ancient sites sacred to the Goddess on the island of Crete.

September 3 - 10th, 2002

With Cora Greenhill assisted by Marina Mouyiassis

For women who have worked with Cora before, and particularly those who may be interested in taking the ongoing course Labyrinth's Way next year, an invitation to join members of this year's group, on a very special journey. 

*Illustrated talk(s) on ancient Crete.
*Visits to temple palaces, mountain sanctuaries and the sacred cave of Eileuthia, Goddess of childbirth. And a convent with a very old myrtle treeÖ.
*Dancing, singing, creative writing and ritual, making and dancing labyrinths
*Visits to archaeological museums to see the exquisite and incomparable art works of the world's most sophisticated goddess culture.
*Swimming, sunbathing, walking, shopping and glorious Cretan food!
*Dancing whenever and wherever we feel moved!

Backgound of Ancient Crete

Evidence suggests that the civilisation of ancient Crete widely known as Minoan was an ecstatic, shamanic culture honouring the Goddess, and revealing in its unique artistic life what has been described as 'the most complete acceptance of the grace of life the world has ever known'. The highest status in society appears to have been held by the dancing, shape- shifting shaman/priestesses who were honoured in the great temple complexes and in cave and mountain sanctuaries. The emergence of the remains of this culture in the 20th century completely transformed our understanding of the roots of western civisation, and is a major piece of evidence showing that civilisation does not have to be based on  male domination, warfare and oppression.

I have booklists on this fascinating subject, and will be giving a slide show/talk. However, the experience of being and feeling in these places can be its own revelation, however much or little information we have. All our perceptions imaginings and creations are valid! Cora Greenhill

Cost: £310. Cost combined with Rhythms of the Labyrinth: £590

Includes 7 nights B& B and shared car hire from Heraklion airport. Major museum and sites entrance, guides where necessary, and a sumptious Potnian feast.

Not included: Flights: £150 - £200. Insurance. Remaining meals/drinks: allow about £10 a day. Cost of petrol to be shared.

Max no in group: 12. Please apply in writing or speak to me initially. 

Inscape Holidays
 9 The Windses, Grindleford, Hope Valley.  S32 2HY
Tel/fax 44 (0)1433 630759 

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The evolution of our Cretan Holidays

What people said: some words from past participants(click!). 

These group holidays in Crete have evolved through several successful years. We dance, play with myths and create rituals together to enter deeply into the sacredness of the land and connect consciously with the inner landscapes of our lives. We also walk, talk, go to the beach and feast on the wonderfully healthy fresh Cretan food.

Crete has many faces, it is a paradise full of paradoxes. Beautiful in all seasons, it has wild rugged mountains, high plains and deep lush river valleys where both wild and cultivated food is produced in abundance almost as it has been for millennia. At the same time there are beginning to be problems of pollution, ugly tourist developments in parts, rural poverty and de-population, and the mixed legacy on the land and in the national psyche of three thousand years of foreign invasions and occupation. Yet natureís healing power is everywhere apparent, the people still show a warm and genuine traditional hospitality, women still gather wild herbs and old men sing to their trees. 

For me, and countless others, Crete is a place of transformations and miracles. It is not a place to escape to so much as to enter into our essential being, our relationship with nature and spirit. People come here as seekers and their lives are changed. My intention in offering these holidays is that we give something back by being here consciously, joyfully, with gratitude, with the energy of our dance and humility of spirit.


Previous holidays in Crete


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