
Deep in Time - Poetry

About Cora 

Holidays in Crete

Workshops in UK

Send Email to Cora


Thirteenth Moon


5rhythms dance, ritual, writing, holidays in Crete
Click on titles for further details of workshops
Date Event Contact
2003 2003 2003
May 9-11 Dancing the Waves: 5Rhythms(tm) w/e in Cyprus Marina Email
June 14 - 15th  Dying to Dance: summer w/e in Calver Cora Email
2002 2002 2002
Feb 1 -2  Labyrinth's Way, Spell 4. Ongoing Women's group. Cora       Email
01433 630759
March 8(eve)/
Dancing Nature's Way: w/e workshop of dancing and writing in response to nature. At Nab Cottage, on Lake Rydal,  in beautiful Cumbria Cora       Email
01433 630759
March 23 Spring in Our Steps. Chesterfield. Cora       Email
April 7 Spring in Our Steps:2. Doncaster. Katya
May 4 Dancing for Living Cora       Email
01433 630759
May 5 Hot Waves for Beltane. Calver. Cora       Email
01433 630759
May 31(eve)/
June 1/2
Dancing the Waves: 5Rhythms w/e in Cyprus Marina   Email
June 22/23 Labyrinth's Way, Spell 5. Includes performance. Cora       Email
01433 630759
September 3 -10 Following the Thread: (was called Paths of the Priestess).Pilgrimage for women to sacred sites in Crete. Cora       Email
01433 630759
September 10-17 Rhythms and the Labyrinth: dance holiday at Azogires, SW Crete. Cora       Email
01433 630759

Calendar for 2001

Make contact with us Email Bookmark this website for updates. 
