![]() Dying To Dance 2003Winter Solstice 2001Rhythms and the LabyrinthStirring the Waters, Finding the FlowThe Fires of BrideWavesDancing Natureís Way 2001Creating our ChangesStreetwise to the TempleThe outward pathMending the Web -Sharpening the Blade Dancing Nature's Way 2000
Holidays in Crete
in IrelandWild Body -Wild MindCalendar of Events
Dying to DanceCalver Village HallJune 14 - 15th 2003
Dancing towards midsummer, we blossom and die to dance again.
Beautiful venue in rural Derbyshire. Cost: £70, (concs. £60, £50)
Bookings and enquiries about accommodation, travel etc to Dancing Nature's Way
5Rhythmsô dance and creative writing in The Lake District.
Nab Cottage, Rydal, Cumbria
We explore free, intuitive movement and spontaneous writing to re-create connection between inner and outer landscapes: dance as a version of being home, language that comes from the core. By bringing awareness with compassion to the experience of being embodied, by breathing and responding authentically to rhythm, we can transcend isolation and feel or 'gnow' our connection to all life. From such experience, our voices change location as our commitment to ourselves and our world becomes a core creative impulse of being human in the heart of nature. The setting is in the rugged Cumbrian hills right on the shores of Lake Rydal. In this very special venue, a beautifully converted barn with wood burning stove, we work indoors and out, and are nurtured by the old-fashioned comfort of Nab Cottage. Times We begin Fri 7pm, end Sun about 4pm. Cost (includes all meals)£105,
or £95 if booked by Feb.8th. (Limited concessionary places £75:
apply asap.)
Thirteenth Moon 9 The Windses, Grindleford, S32 2HY. UK Enquiries:
Spring in our StepCome and celebrate the spring and infuse yourself with the energy of new life by taking part in a day (or two) of free, creative dance! These day workshops are suitable as an introduction or as a further exploration for those who practise the 5Rhythms. Both days will allow you to dance all of the rhythms, but there will be different emphasis. Spring in our Steps 1Chesterfield. Saturday March 23rd 2002at Spring Equinox, will allow a deep, moving meditation on flowing and stillness: the rhythms from which all growth comes.During the stillness cycle at the end of the day, we will create a spring labyrinth, which we will walk as a meditation. This ritual is a simple and profound way of letting go of our habitual, linear patterns of thinking, and accessing the guidance of a more intuitive part of ourselves, helping our minds to come more into balance. The Equinox is all about balance!10.45 for 11am until 6pm
Spring in our Steps 2Doncaster. Sunday April 7th 2002two weeks later, as the earth springs into growth and early blossom is bursting out, we'll spend more time exploring the ground between flowing and staccato, earth and fire, and the lyrical edges of both!'Naked they came to that smooth-swarded bower,And at their feet the crocus brake like fire'Ö(Tennyson!) Let's find what is waiting to burst out in our lives and grow! 10.45 for 11am until 5pm
Bargain multibuy! Book on both days by March 1st and pay only £40!
(pay in full, or pay £20 by March 1st and £20 on March 23rd)
Dancing on a Dark Planet5Rhythmsô dance day for Winter Solstice 2001with Cora GreenhillSat December 22nd
Letting go of what we've finished with, releasing what we're holding onto, making space for welcoming the new. Releasing our fears, anger and grief into the bliss of our dance through the rhythms, a crucible for the alchemy of change. Dancing in honour the cycle of life, death and rebirth, for ourselves and for our world. Starting with a sunrise ritual at a stone circle,
Cost: £25 (if paid by Nov. 15th), £30 thereafter. Limited
concessions: apply early.
Enquiries and booking to Cora Greenhill
Rhythms and the Labyrinth
A day to dance deeply into a 5 Rhythmstm wave and take part increating a magical labyrinth ritual.September 29th 2001 Chesterfield
Time: 11 - 5(ish) pm
Stirring the Waters: Finding the Flow of the NewA day workshop in 5 Rhythms dancework for the new yearwith Cora Greenhill Saturday January 13th 2001The more deeply we can surrender to the flow, the more energy we have available for the other rhythms.This is a day to explore different ways of entering, being in, and leaving the flowing rhythm, and its relationship to the other four! Let yourself melt into your bodyís dreams, into contact and floorwork, and follow the ripples and surges of energy bursting out of the soil like spring bulbs! Venue: The Greentop, Brightside, Sheffield.
NB Come to my first Dancing in the City class of the year on Fri. 12th
as a brilliant warm up! 7.30 pm, Greentop.
The Fire of BrideA weekend for women to feed our creative fire at Imbolc 2001Saturday Feb 3rd -Sunday Feb 4th 2001Imbolc is the festival of Bride, Brigit, Bridget, Bridie, or Brid, the celtic Goddess of the Brigands in northern England, Scotland and Ireland. She was associated with fire, smithcraft, poetry - the craft of language, and even martial arts. It is the time when life begins to stirr and move outwards from the dark cradling of winter. The holiday of Imbolc is a celebration of quickening, a time for initiations, and commitment to our intent for the year. A time to honour the maiden, daughter and warrior Goddess within ourselves and in the world, to risk moving from flowing into stacatto and on. We will dance the 5Rhythms, give voice, and create ritual that allows us to express intent with passion and commitment. We will walk a labyrinth with fire at its centre, and take our lights from it out to the world. Bring croci, snowdrops, and symbols of beginnings, poems, songs or images that express fire energy, blades, wands, candles. Sat/Sun (starting 11am Sat, finishing 5pm Sun.)
Waves: introductory day workshop in DoncasterFirst ever 5 Rhythm class in Doncaster!Sun. Feb 18th 2001Have a great day of dance with new and experienced dancers, and support an enthusiastic initiative.Dancing Nature's Way for Spring Equinox 2001March 23 (eve) 24/25with CoraA weekend workshop in Gabrielle Rothís 5 Rhythm dancework and creative writingLake Rydal, Grasmere, CumbriaDancing the 5 Rhythms allows us to bring the heights and depths of our being into the essential joyous aliveness of intuitive movement. We can be startled by the beauty of the familiar, and enter the unknown with a trusted map and companions.In a landscape that has long inspired the wild soul to express itself, we will bring our experience of movement and landscape into creative interaction, awakening the inner dancer and poet that lives in each one of us. PracticalsCost:Whole course, Fri - Sat - Sun. fully catered, including a snack on Friday night, two lunches, dinner on Saturday and all drinks: TBA. ( Limited concessions available, but please enquire early if you need one). The venue is Nab Cottage and Barn, a delightful 18th house overlooking Lake Rydal and backing onto wild, open country. The barn has been converted into a beautiful dance space. Warm hospitality. We love this venue! Brochure available. B&B can be directly arranged with Nab Cottage at around. £24
per night, (twin rooms) . Triples and singles may also be available.
Booking: Send Email to Cora Creating Our Changeswith Cora GreenhillA weekend in beautiful surroundings for women to explore and celebrate their creative potential, focussing especially on the mid-life cycle. With 5 Rhythms tm dance, creative writing, and other forms of self-expression and ritual that suggest themselves.
November 23rd(eve), 24th, 25th
"There is no more creative force in the world than the menopausal woman
with zest."
ëI hold an Autumn rose
For some of us, navigating the storms of mid-life can leave us feeling without a rudder or a route. It can bring crises of confidence, surges of energy, exhilaration, depression, despair. All in one day. For others it may be a smooth ride into mellow maturity. But though our culture tends to pathologise womenís cycles, and menopausal symptoms in particular, it is through listening and surrendering to the dark as well as the light Goddess within that we may become ëwomen of wise blood,í and reclaim this passage as a gateway to power, wisdom - and zest! For many of us, there seem to be strong resonances between our experience of the menarche, and menopause. In some societies, it is the crones who initiate the maidens into womanhood (see Sara Maitlandís wonderful essay in A Certain Age). Our society lacks traditional rites of passage, but we can learn to create them for ourselves and our children. It is never to late to celebrate what we were or invent rituals for losses we have sustained, so that we enter the next phase more complete, more whole-some. "We have no rites passed down By coming together at the beginning of winter to dance our many dances, share our creative lives, read poems and stories round the fire, walk round the wintry lake, cackling together as circles of women always have, we will be doing this vital work for ourselves and other women. No experience is needed except your own life experience. You do not need to be menopausal now! If you feel drawn to exploring either in advance or retrospectively, you are very welcome to come be in our company to add to the rich brew! How often we hear women say, "If only I'd known that then!" Cora Greenhill I will be 53 in November 2000, so Iím sitting right in the fire with you! I have been facilitating groups for some 13 years and dancing the 5Rhythms for nearly as many. My professional background is in teaching and psychotherapy. I am accredited by Gabrielle Roth to teach the work. I run Inscape Holidays: holiday courses in Crete. I am a writer, and my recent collection of midlife poems, Deep in Time, (available from me) is recommended reading! A relevant reading list will be supplied on booking for those of you wanting it, and Iím sure other great reads will emerge on the course. Gabrielle Rothís 5 Rhythms wave dancing is a an inspirational movement map that allows us to rediscover our inner, intuitive dancer, and supports her to explore a wide range of ways of being. Age, body type or level of fitness is not important, what is asked is a desire to let go of judgements and follow your own body and energy with focussed intent. Emotions and physical symptoms can be invited into the dance to be expressed. We become shape shifters. The release of free dancing allows our creativity to flow freely from the deep wells within us. Practicals The venue is Nab Cottage, a delightful 18th century house on the shore
of Rydal Water, between Ambleside and Grasmere in Cumbria. Our dance
space is the beautifully converted barn, which looks onto wild open country.
Nab Cottage offers cosy, comfortable accommodation and the course is fully
catered. Warm hospitality and good cooking is offered by Tim and Liz, with
whom you can also book bed and breakfast if you wish. Please also let them
know of any special dietary requirements.
Bookings (and sales and enquiries after Sept. 20th) Cora Greenhill
Streetwise to the Temple
July 29/30, 2000 "I am the honoured and the sacred one
Aphrodite, Goddess of love and laughter, Shakti, sex goddess, Great Goddess, Amazon, whore, mistress, wife. How do we as modern women relate our life experience to time-honoured sacred archetypes of the feminine as well as the confusing and ever-changing cultural stereotypes? How can we as women who have had to become "streetwise" to protect ourselves over millenia, also learn to live in the sexual body as a temple? These two days will offer spaces for women to explore in 5Rhythm tm dance and writing, with humour, playfulness and passion, some of the serious, hilarious, exquisite, paradoxical and perhaps painful aspects of our sexuality. We will take as a basic premise that our bodies are temples, and that
the space we create is sacred however irreverent our behaviour! We also
acknowledge that the attempts to split body from spirit have formed our
cultural history and wounded us all.
Participants should preferably have experience of dancing the 5Rhythms tm, should be excited by the idea of playing creatively with both ëdarkí and ëlightí sides of their experience, and willing to take responsibility for looking after their own needs in the group context, as this is not a therapy group although powerful feelings may be expressed and will be honoured. Books that have inspired me in offering this work include:
Practicals This year bookings will only be taken for the whole weekend, not single
The outward path5 evenings and a day of 5 Rhythms for high summer!With Cora GreenhillMost of us have areas in which we are able to shine easily in the world,
and other areas or levels where we are very shy or afraid to be seen. We
can be shy about parts of us that are wanting to grow, or afraid of showing
the wilder side of our creativity.
Dates: Weds. June 7, 14, 21, 28, July 5.
Day workshop on Fatherís Day
The day will also follow this theme, for it is the sacred role of the father that takes our hand and say ëyesí to our venturing into the world with our own ideas, visions, passions and relationships. We will creatively explore ways of taking this role for ourselves and each other, whatever our personal father stories! Venue for all sessions: Calver Village Hall Booking Book in advance for the evenings and the day for the special
price of £60, when paid in full by April 21st
Mending the WebSharpening the BladewithCora Greenhill and Adam Barley Newcastle
A 5 RhythmsTM workshop for women and men to explore through dance, words and ritual theatre the gender landscapes we inhabit. Recognising our own comfort zones and dancing on our edges, we will take steps to affirm and integrate the inner polarities of our own natures and of the opposite sex. We can weave back into our dance strands that have been neglected, denied, and consigned to the dark, while cutting away projections that do not belong. Allowing our passion, playfulness and vulnerability, we will hope to lay some inherited ghosts. On Saturday we will meet the mirrors of our own circle, exploring archetypes in single sex groups. On Sunday we will greet the other circle in dance and ritual theatre, sharing our truth with compassion and humour, and together creating the sacred ground where the circle and the line can weave their beauty and magic. Cora and Adam are both accredited and widely experienced teachers of
Gabrielle Rothís 5RhythmTM dancework, and have been friends for many years.
We offer this work from our hearts and it takes us to our edges!
Approx. times: Friday, 7 - 9.30pm. Saturday, 11am - 6 pm. Sunday 11am
- 5pm.
Enclose name, address and tel. no. Concessions should be applied for
as early as possible as they will be limited. You will receive details
of venues etc nearer the time.
Dancing Natureís Wayfor Spring Equinox 2000March 24 (eve) 25/26with CoraA weekend workshop in Gabrielle Rothís 5 Rhythm dancework and creative writingLake Rydal, Grasmere, CumbriaDancing the 5 Rhythms allows us to bring the heights and depths of our being into the essential joyous aliveness of intuitive movement. We can be startled by the beauty of the familiar, and enter the unknown with a trusted map and companions.In a landscape that has long inspired the wild soul to express itself,
we will bring our experience of movement and landscape into creative interaction,
awakening the inner dancer and poet that lives in each one of us.
PracticalsCost: Friday evening only, 7 - 9.30pm, £10. (Subject to availability).Whole course, Fri - Sat - Sun. fully catered, including a snack on Friday night, two lunches, dinner on Saturday and all drinks: £95. ( Limited concessions available, but please enquire early if you need one). The venue is Nab Cottage and Barn, a delightful 18th house overlooking Lake Rydal and backing onto wild, open country. The barn has been converted into a beautiful dance space. Warm hospitality. We love this venue! Brochure available. B&B can be directly arranged with Nab Cottage at around. £20
per night, (twin rooms) . Triples and singles may also be available.
The 5 Rhythms "wave" is a movement map that encourages
us to re-discover our inner, instinctive dancer and supports that dancer
to explore a wide range of ways of being. Anyone can follow this practise: all ages and body types are welcome and no experience is necessary. The form encourages you to follow your own energy: many people find they have far more energy for dancing than they ever believed possible! We dance inside to a wide range of music, and outside we move with our
breath, voices, and the sounds of nature. Words arise from our depths uncensored,
to be expressed in the moment or to become the beginnings of another creative
For local 5 Rhythms events in Sheffield and DerbyshireEmail Cora |