
Deep in Time - poetry

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Holidays in Crete

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group holidays in Crete 
with dance, writing, ritual, pilgrimage. 
Led by Cora Greenhill
Rhythms of the Labyrinth May 9 -16th 2000
Following the Thread May 16 - 23th 2000
Waves by Waves September 5 - 12th
Paths of the Priestess September 12 - 19th

 About Ancient Crete

 Practicalities, Prices and a printable booking form   

These group holidays in Crete have evolved through several successful years. We dance, play with myths and create rituals together to enter deeply into the sacredness of the land and connect consciously with the inner landscapes of our lives. We also walk, talk, go to the beach and feast on the wonderfully healthy fresh Cretan food.
What people said: some words from past participants(click!).  
Crete has many faces, it is a paradise full of paradoxes. Beautiful in all seasons, it has wild rugged mountains, high plains and deep lush river valleys where both wild and cultivated food is produced in abundance almost as it has been for millennia. At the same time there are beginning to be problems of pollution, ugly tourist developments in parts, rural poverty and de-population, and the mixed legacy on the land and in the national psyche of three thousand years of foreign invasions and occupation. Yet natureís healing power is everywhere apparent, the people still show a warm and genuine traditional hospitality, women still gather wild herbs and old men sing to their trees. 

For me, and countless others, Crete is a place of transformations and miracles. It is not a place to escape to so much as to enter into our essential being, our relationship with nature and spirit. People come here as seekers and their lives are changed. My intention in offering these holidays is that we give something back by being here consciously, joyfully, with gratitude, with the energy of our dance and humility of spirit.

Rhythms of the Labyrinth 

May 9 - 16th 2000 

Entering deep within and emerging renewed and replenished: these are the rhythms of the labyrinth. The journey to the centre is not straightforward: we need to dance all our rhythms many times to approach the mystery of our lives, what we need and what we are here to give. On the other hand, revelation or epiphanies can come as a gift at any time if we are open to receive. 

Practising the 5 Rhythms every day, the natural ecstatic energy of Azogires, the magical power of the river valley and the sun soaked olive terraces, the views down the gorge to the sea and up to the rugged horizons, allow us to experience the rapture of creation, inspire us to dance our dreams. Entering the incredible dark of the sacred cave, steeped in legend, many have overcome fear and felt healed by the infinite mystery in the heart of earthís darkness. Then we swim and play in green sea caves, trek to the ancient healing temple at LissosÖand finally create and dance in our own labyrinth, one by one, held and witnessed by the circle.

swimming in cavesswimming in caves near Azogires 

The centre at Azogires is very simple: a converted farmhouse providing a dance space, kitchen and a patio where we eat, and a separate building with 8 twin ensuite bedrooms with balconies and superb views. A short and spectacular drive away is the sea and beautiful beaches around the resort of Paleochora. There are also two friendly tavernas in the village for drinks and simple meals.

More pictures of Azogires


Following the Thread 

May 16 - 23rd 2000
Minoan seal of dancing priestesses

A new holiday with Cora Greenhill and Rose Flint

Azogires, SW Crete 

Pictures of Azogires

In Following the Thread, Rose Flint will help us discover the connecting links between Crete and Avalon. ëDeep within the mysteries of both Crete and Britain stands the figure of Ariadne, Mistress of the Labyrinth.í We will again dance, (though not so much), write, and create ritual to deepen our exploration of this connection and the meaning of the labyrinth journey in our lives. 
The valley of Azogires has an indescribable magic that we experience as ecstatic energy, making it easy to understand why spiritual seekers have been drawn here from ancient to present times.  The centre is simple: a converted farmhouse providing a dance space, kitchen, and a patio where we eat under the vines. An adjoining building houses bedrooms with superb views down the gorge to the sea. We are surrounded by mountains, sunsoaked terraces of ancient olive trees, a stream where we can bathe, and deep peace. There are two friendly tavernas in the village. A short and spectacular drive away, the resort of Paleochora provides beautiful beaches, restaurants and shops. 
Rose Flint is an artist, poet, creative writing tutor and art therapist. She has studied Celtic mythology and womenís mysteries for many years, has worked extensively with shamanism and is a Priestess of Avalon. She has been resident poet of The Goddess Conference at Glastonbury, has a published collection, Blue Horse of Morning, (Seren)  and her poetry is widely anthologised.  rose flint


Waves by Waves

September 5 - 12 

with Cora Greenhill and Ian Tranter 

near Aptera, NW Crete 

More pictures of Akrimios

The  basic ingredients are dancing the 5 Rhythms each morning, visiting sacred sites, connecting with the timeless spirit of the place, creating ritual, and relaxing by the sea - all in a beautiful and ideal new venue right by the sea and really convenient to Hania Airport. 

Akrimios is a hotel/centre right on the sea facing the Akrotiri peninsular in N.W. Crete. It has been designed, built and is run by Ingrid and Petros, a Cretan/Austrian couple, and their family. Petros is a renowned Cretan traditional musician (see picture!)and a farmer.wild music from petros' traditional cretan bandThey have built a beautiful, private group room with a huge patio over the deep blue sea see picture above). Akrimios is a meeting place for local musicians and artists, as well as foreign guests. There is a tiny private beach below the hotel, and other beaches close by. 
The area is rich in historical and prehistorical interest. There will be one day trip to the interior, taking in the mysterious burial place of the five ëparthenoií (virgins or priestesses?) at Lappa and the extraordinary burial site of Armeni where the wonderful sarcophogi at Rethymnon museum were found. Other visits will be optional. The town of Hania with its beautiful Venetian harbour, Minoan sites and lovely archeological museum is a short bus ride away, and the stunning site of Aptera, with both Minoan and Roman ruins, is within walking distance. 

Postscript June 2000 

Having recently returned from Crete, and spending time at Akrimios, Iím glad to report that the venue is even better than I originally thought! I had time to explore the beaches nearby, and there are several that are wonderful, but I wonít divulge their different secrets! Iíve discovered that the site at Aptera, is believed to have been the largest Potnian* (Minoan) settlement in W. Crete, though the early remains have been mostly overlayed by the later continuous occupation, especially Roman. Much to explore there, right on our doorstep! 
I had the fantastic experience of attending two traditional music evenings at Akrimios, and I have to say I enjoyed the music more than I have ever enjoyed Cretan music before. Petros, the owner of the hotel, is a lute player renowned for his passionate singing and for personalising his music and songs for the audience: his group are really fantastic entertainers, playing very ancient Cretan music as well as a range of highly danceable Greek numbers. Ingrid, his Austrian wife, and their four children all take part in the evenings, and the traditional food, mostly grown on their farm, is delicious. 

What can I say? Weíre going to have a wonderful time. If youíve got the chance of doing both weeks, go for it - you wonít want to come home after one! I donít know quite what will be in store at the village festival, but Iím sure it will be a great send off from Aptera and start of our tour! Iím thrilled that several people have already booked on Paths of the Priestess: it is a long held dream of mine to take dancers to these unique sites where sacred dance was once the way of life of our shamanic ancestors, to feel the connection to the places through our bodies and respond with our own dances, poems, and rituals of healing for ourselves and the world. More detailed information about the journey will reach you in August, as well as a ëwhat to bringí list for both weeks

Paths of the Priestess

September 12 - 19th
with Cora Greenhill and Ian Tranter 

Ideal as an extension to the previous week, starting at Aptera with a local village festival, then travelling East to visit some of the famous Potnian sites of Knossos, Archanes, Mt Juktas, the Eileythian cave and, of course, the unmissable archaeological Museum at Heraklion. 

Our last three days will be at the small resort of Istro, from where we visit the smaller Minoan sites at Gournia, the island of Mochlos, and Karfi, towering above the Lassithi plateau. We can descend the awesome Skotino cave, and visit  the lovely convent at Palliani built around a two thousand year old, still sacred myrtle tree. 

On this week we will experience the continuity of spirituality and culture, the connection to sacred space and the relationship to the land that is still so tangible everywhere in Crete.  We will share our responses to the different energies of these powerfully healing and transformational places, and allow rituals to suggest  themselves. 

The itinerary will be flexible so that we can follow the group energy, but there will also usually be the option of relaxing on a beach if youíve had enough! 
We will talk about  our sense of the sites and will help to facilitate sharing and rituals to focus and deepen our experience. However, we are not an archaeologists and make no pretensions to being official guides! 
We can send you a reading list to help you prepare for this holiday if you wish.

Please note, there will not be taught 5 Rhythms on this second week, but there will be opportunities to dance! We hope that many of you will have been on Waves on Waves, so that the waves will continue within and without.... 


For full details, including discounts for early booking, and travel advice send for booking information NOW 

:Send Email to Cora

Practicalities, Prices and a printable booking form 

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